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the Sun rises in the east, and sets in the west.

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Q: Where does the sun rise in the morning every day?
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Related questions

How often does the sun rise?

Every single morning the sun rises, 365 days a year.

Does the sun rise every morning in England?

Yes, England is outside the artic circle.

When will the Sun rise continuously?

In the Morning the sun will rise continuously.

Does the sun rise at the same place location every day?


When the Sun rises on the morning of Sept 18th where will it rise on the horizon the next day?

further south

Does the sun rise in the east in the summer?

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west every day.

Why does the moon rise in the morning not at night?

At some stage in every lunar month the moon will rise in the morning. Only when it is almost new/very old, you might not see it rise or set because it is almost in line with the sun.

Is there any place on Earth where the sun rise today?

The sun rises every day. It is a very familiar event. Didn't it rise where you live?

Why does the sun come out every day?

the rotation of earth brings the sun closer to earth making it rise

What direction does the sun rise each morning?

Each morning, the sun always rises in the east.

You experience twilight and dawn every day?

Twilight is around dusk, its when the sky mixes colors with the setting sun, its either pink, orange, purple, or red. Or All. Dawn is when the sun first breaks and begins to rise in the morning.

What explains the motion of the sun?

The Earth's rotation causes the Sun to rise in the east and set in the west every day.