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Out the exhaust in the form of steam.

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Q: Where does the water go if it doest go in oil if head gasket is blowed?
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Symptoms of a blowed head gasket?

my car overheated and now i have excessive water coming out the tailpipe of my 97 Nissan altima . is the head gasket blown ?

How do petroleum products enter a water system?

more than likely a blowed head gasket

1995 oldsmoblie achieva that want start the oil is milking what could that be?

its for sure a blowed head gasket or intake gasket

Why is a 1999 Chevy Cavalier still overheating after the water pump heater core and temp sensor have been changed and flushing the radiator?

blowed head gasket or cracked head

What is wrong when your Chevy Tahoe starts to sputter and lose power after running for a while?

You Probley have a blowed head gasket.

1993 blazer has oil in radiator?

Suspect blowed head gasket or not so smart person putting oil in instead of antifreeze

How do you repair blowed head gasket on 3100 engrine?

Heads must be removed, inspected for warpage and cracks, and new gaskets installed.

What is the possibility that my 99 camarro is over heating because of a bad caddy?

you eather have a thurmastate stuck or raideaitor pluged up or a head gasket blowed

Ford fiesta 1.25 zetec-oil in water bottle but no water in oil-is this head gasket?

Yeah it will be the head gasket.

If you have oil on the water container is that a head gasket blown?

yes it does when u blow the head gasket the oil mixes with the water

If a car has oil in water and water in oil but is not overheating or loosing water out of coolant system is this still the head gasket?

It could still be the head gasket.

How did I get water in my oil?

blown head gasket