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The word mercury comes from the Roman god of speed.

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Q: Where does the word Mercury come from?
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Latin word for mercury?

Mercury is a latin word-it was the name for the roman god of messages, travel, thieves and luck (greek god Hermes). The planet Mercury was named after the god. If you are asking for the metal mercury, it would have come from the god's name, and it is unlikely that the romans had a specific word for that metal.

Where does the name mercury come from?

It's from the Middle English word "mercurie", from Medieval Latin "mercurius", from Latin "mercurius", meaning Mercury. Source: Thefreedictionary

What is the root stem of the word mercury?

The root stem of the word "mercury" is "mercur-", which is derived from the Latin word "mercurius" referring to the Roman god Mercury.

What is the origan of the element Mercury?

mercury come from cinnabar ore or mercuric sulphide (HgS) mercury come from cinnabar ore or mercuric sulphide (HgS)

Where does the the planet Mercury's' name come from?

It was named after the Roman god Mercury.

Where Mercury names come from?

From the Roman God Mercury who was famed for his speed.

Where planet Mercury came from?

Mercury is itself a planet - it did not come from a planet!

How many syllables does the word mercury have?

Mercury has three syllables.

What songs have the word 'mercury' in the title?

Mercury Blues aka Mercury Boogie. Has the lyrics "crazy 'bout a Mercury".

How did they come up with the name mercury for the car?

After the Roman mythological god Mercury

Does mercury come after the sun?


Do Mercury come first or do Mars?

Mercury is the first planet from the sun, Mars is the fourth.