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All young mammals develop in the amniotic sac of their mother. For example, a human fetus develops in the mother's womb. Which is an anmiotic sac.

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Q: Where does the young of a mammal develop?
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There are three types of mammal based on how their young develop. There are marsupials, which develop in a marsupium(pouch). An example of a marsupial is the kangaroo. Another kind mammal development is in an egg. Egg-laying mammals are limited to the duck-billed platypus and the spiny echidna. The final type of mammal development is development in the womb. Most mammals fall under this category, including humans.

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A manatee is an aquatic mammal and is viviparous, as the young develop inside the body and they give live birth after a gestation period.

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Yes, a hippopotamus is a mammal; they suckle their young.

Who is mammal?

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Is haathi a mammal?

Yes. The elephant is a mammal, as it nurses its young.

Why do mammal mothers stay with their young?

the mammal mothers stay with their young because they want to keep them protected from predators.

What is a sentence for the word mammal?

A mammal gives birth to live young. :)

What is a mammal and do their young hatch from a egg?

A mammal has hair and produces milk and the only mammal that is hatched is the plataypus.