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Body shapes are genetic, so you will notice people lose fat differently, a good way to estimate where you would lose weight is to look at your family and where they lose weight from. Generally speaking though, your body will burn fat where it is not needed first - such as breasts. I would expect around the waist would be a slowish place to lose weight as fat helps keep your organs warm. On a personal note I seem to lose weight almost everywhere faster than on my arms - i have chubby arms!

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Each person is built differently, and weight loss can vary a great deal. Where some people may lose it from their belly first, other people may lose it from their butt or thighs. You can use exercise to target areas for toning. Improving the muscle tone of an area can help it apear to be thinner.

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Q: When you lose body fat where do you lose it from first?
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Is it harder to lose a pound of fat weight or muscle weight?

The body is an extremely efficient machine. It will use stored fat first before it ever draws energy from muscles. So, based on that fact it is easier to lose a pound of fat and difficult to lose muscle weight.

Where is it common to lose weight at on your body?

This is down to genes, generally its good rule of thumb that you will lose the weight from the places which have most recently gained the weight, e.g. if your stomach has had fat on for awhile but you have started to gain fat recently on your arms and legs, you will lose it from these places first before your belly fat starts to go. - Exercises done will not determine where you lose the fat.

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If you want to lose body fat from them, you will just have to do cardiovascular exercise and eat only healthy food. You cannot choose where you lose body fat from, only your body can decide.

If your body fat is already low is it harder to lose weight?

if your body fat is already low losing more weight is dangerous and can be deadly. your body needs fat. you need to gain weight not lose weight. remember muscle weights more than fat so if you must lose more weight be a little more lazier and lose muscle tone but in my opipion that is dumb

Where do you lose body fat when you lose weight?

You lose body fat from eating Chocolate :DD

Why do you lose your breasts first when you lose weight?

This is just an educated guess, but I'm betting that you lose the same percentage (say, 10%) of fat everywhere in your body when you lose weight. In a place where you have little fat and lots of muscle, 10% of fat loss wouldn't be very obvious. Because your breasts are mostly fat, 10% of fat loss would be much more obvious, making it seem like you're losing more weight/losing weight first in your breasts.

What is the best way to lose body fat but not weight?

I would first like to say that this is very, very difficult, if not impossible, to achieve. Body fat, while not as heavy as muscle, still weighs a fair amount. So when you burn off this body fat, you are losing weight. The single best way to lose body fat is to mix a low-calorie, high protein diet with mostly cardiovascular exercise. Strength training will also help to burn fat by raising your metabolism, but it's not completely necessary to lose fat. If you wanted to lose body fat but not weight, the only practical solution would be to replace the weight of the fat in your body with something else; the only logical material being muscle. In summation: You will also lose weight when you burn off fat. To maintain a weight, you must replace it with something else to balance out the weight being lost. The obvious thing being muscle.

Does your body eat muscle fat or body fat?

If you aren't eating, your body will eat the muscle fat before it eats the body fat. Don't try to not eat for the purpose of losing weight. You won't lose the body fat, and you will become very unhealthy.

Is it possible to get an athletic body after you lose excess fat?


Does lecithin help lose body fat?

scrwew it have a kfc

How do you get rid of arm pit fat?

There is no way to reduce fat from any one area of the body alone. This type of "Spot Reduction" is a myth. Your body loses fat from all areas of the body equally. Doing arm exercises will firm and tone up the muscle under the fat, but has no direct effect on the fat itself. General weight loss is the ONLY way to lose weight from any area of the body.

How can you lose body fat in your legs?

Hey!!! I understand walking can't be easy for you because of the fat of your leg but spare two minutes to read this article here >>ht tps://bi (remove space)