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Q: Where exactly in Nigeria was the declaration in respect to amalgamation of Southern and Northern Nigeria?
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Is nigeria in the southern or northern hemisphere?

Nigeria is in the northern hemisphere.

Where in Nigeria exactly was the declaration for amalgamation made?

If you are referring to the signing of the treaty which created the official joining of the Northern and Southern protectorates (and led to what is today known as the country of Nigeria), that occurred on January 1, 1914. Lord Frederick Lugard performed the declaration in the Ikot Abasi Local Government Area of the Akwa Ibom state. By some accounts, Lord Frederick lived in Ikot Abasi during the early years of the amalgamation.

When did Southern Nigeria Protectorate end?

Northern Nigeria Protectorate was created in 1900.

Is Nigeria in the Southern Hemisphere?

No, but in Northern Hemisphere.

Who is lord lugard and where did he come from?

Lord Lugard was a British colonial administrator who played a significant role in the establishment of British rule in Nigeria. He was born in India in 1858 and served as the Governor General of Nigeria from 1914 to 1919, implementing policies that shaped the country's governance structure. His policies, such as the amalgamation of Northern and Southern Nigeria, had lasting impacts on the country.

The northern and southern parts of nigeria were amalgamated in the year?


Who unified the southern and northern protectorates of Nigeria?

Lord frederick lugard

Would Nigeria exist without the forceful amalgamation in 1914 and consequently Nigeria as you have today?


What hemisphere is Namibia in?

NORTHERN HEMISPHERENigeria is in the Northern Hemisphere on the continent of Africa.

Who united the southern and northern part of nigeria together as a nation?

Sir Freddrick Lugard

The Northern and Southern protectorates of Nigeria were amalgamted by who and what year?

they were amalgamated by Lord Lugard in 1914

When was Northern Nigeria created?

Northern Nigeria was created in 1900.