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A pulled "groin" is actually a strained muscle in the upper thigh.

Strained muscles occur when the fibers of the muscle are stretched too far.

The result is a group of torn fibers, or in horrible cases, the entire muscle may tear.

Usually however, it is just a small tear.

If you feel that your muscle has ripped entirely, and you are in a lot of pain, PLEASE GO SEE A DOCTOR! You probably need surgery to correct this problem.

If it is a minor strain, and you are not in agony, a doctor will not be able to do much for you.

REST is the key!

If you pulled your groin within 48hrs ago, you should be icing it as much as comfortable.

After that point, gentle heat applied to the affected area before any physical activity is recommended, as this will help loosen the torn muscle.

I am not a doctor, I'm just a kid, none of this should be taken as scientific fact.

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below your abdominals, it is stretched..

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Which muscle group is involved when a pulled groin occurs?

thigh adductors

How long does a pulled groin muscle take to heal?

It depends on the magnitude of the injury.

What happens when you have tissue damage in groin area?

you have pulled your groin

What are the symptoms of a pulled groin?

A pulled groin is caused by putting too much stress on muscles in your groin and thigh. If these muscles are tensed too forcefully it will become a pulled groin. Some symptoms are feelings of pain and tenderness.

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What causes a dull pain in the groin?

What causes groin pains? I would say grow'n pains. I think and heard its stretching or pulling of the muscle. Like when you strain to have a bowel movement. That muscle you flex when doing so is your groin. It sounds like you've pulled or strained something which may or may not be your groin. Either way it sounds like its time for a trip to the doctor.

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What is a pulled and strained muscle?

what is a pulled muscle

What is a pain in left groin?

Could be a pulled muscle (if the pain is in the thigh) or a hernia (if the pain is in the pubic region). Also could be an infection. Go to the doctor.

Should you put heat on a pulled groin?

i would if u pulled any muscle in your body apply heat to the area and after a week or so you should feel better, if not go see a doctor it could be something else. Hope this helpsss :)

Do women have groin muscle?
