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Gas exchange happens in the capillaries. Oxygen is replaced with Carbon Dioxide which is transported from the heart.

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Q: Where gas exchange happens in the lungs?
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Which blood vessels in the lungs help your body take in and give out gases?

Gas exchange happens in the bed of CAPILLARIES in the lungs.

Why do we called lungs as the main organ in respiratory system?

Because that is where the primary gas exchange happens.

What happens in the air sacs of the lungs?

The gas exchange between carbon dioxide and oxygen occurs.

What happens in the alveoli in the process of gas exchange.?

Alveoli- these are the small sac-like structures where gas exchange occurs with the blood. Its creates an ideal site for gas exchange between the air in the lungs and the blood in the capillaries.

What are the actual sites of gas exchange within the lungs are the?

The actual sites of gas exchange within the lungs are the alvioli.

Gas exchange in the lungs takes place in what?

The gas exchange that takes place in the lungs are carbon dioxide and oxygen.

The efficiency of gas exchange in the lungs of vertebrates is greater because of what?

The efficiency of gas exchange in the lungs of vertebrates is greater because it increases the lungs' internal surface area.

How dogs gas exchange?

via their lungs

What is the name for exchange of gas in the lungs?

gaseous exchange

What gas take place in the lungs?

The gas exchange that takes place in the lungs are carbon dioxide and oxygen.

Where does the actual air exchange take place in the lungs?

The actual air exchange takes place in the alveoli of the lungs

Gas exchange in the lungs occurs in what structure?
