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Q: Where has the robot astronaut Robonaut gone to in space?
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No dog has ever gone to space with an astronaut.

Who was the astronaut that has gone to space with neil Armstrong?

buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins

Why do you neede a space suit when you go to mars?

Because there is no air in space and no one has gone to Mars yet, just a robot.

Can a cat be an astronaut?

So far no cats have ever gone into space, not yet anyway.However there is no reason why they couldn't.

How many robots have gone into space?

Hundreds of them. Every unmanned space capsule, and probably most manned ones as well, is a robot - it has to do many things automatically. (Don't confuse "robot" with "android" - a robot in human form! The latter are common in science fiction.)

What british astronouts gone to space?

Helen Sharman is the only British astronaut to have gone into space however 5 American astronauts were born in the UK: Richard Garriott, Gregory H. Johnson, Michael Foale, Nicholas Patrick, Piers Sellers

What are the names of the astronAUT that went to Neptune?

There have been no astronauts that have gone to Neptune. Nor is there any space exploration projects or programs called Neptune that I am aware of.

How far has any spaceman gone in space?

No astronaut has gone further than the far side of the moon, when orbiting it. How far away it was at the time I don't know, but the maximum it ever is from Earth is 405,696 km.

How was the first person out in to space?

It was a man called Yuri Gagarin, he was sent out by the USSR which was from russia, he lived in russia but actually when to china to take off, he was not an astronaut he was a comonaut, a cosmonaut is a an astronaut which is from russia sorry if ive gone on too much about this subject

Why do you think the first astronaut in space only orbited Earth instead of heading directly to the Moon?

Actually the first US astronaut in space (Alan Shepard) did NOT orbit--he only had a 15-minute sub-orbital flight. The first US astronaut to orbit Earth was John Glenn. In any event, neither of them could have gone to the moon because at that time we simply did not have the technology to send them there.

Can you bring earth food into space?

No. Every astronaut who has gone to space for more than 3 days has starved to death. also there is certain food the freez dried idk how to spell it but only some foods

Who was the first astronaut to travel to distance stars?

As of yet, the furthest any human has gone into space, is to the Moon. There were 24 men over 9 missions that have voyaged to the Moon.