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Lake Razim (or Razelm) is in Dobrogea, near the Black Sea from which is separated by dams.

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Q: Where in Romania is Lake Razim?
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What is Romania's biggest lake?

The biggest lake in Romania is Razim (also spelled Razelm).

What is the largest natural lake in Romania?

The largest natural lake in Romania is the lake Razim (a marine laguna) with an area of 415 km2. It is situated in the Tulcea county (judeţ in Romanian), near Black Sea.

What is Volume and name of the largest body of water in Romania?

River: Danube Sea: Black Sea Lake: Razim

What are the 2 biggest lakes in Romania?

These lakes are Razim and Sinoe.

What are the lakes mountions and seas in Romania?

Sea: Black SeaMountains: CarpathiansLakes: Razim, Siutghiol, Bicaz, Vidraru, Vidra etc.

What are bodies of water in Romania?

Romania has rivers (Danube, Olt, Argeș, Someș, Siret, Prut etc.), lakes (Razim, Scropoasa, Bîlea, Vidra, Snagov etc.) and the seaside of the Black Sea.

What are some lakes or rivers in Romania?

Rivers: Danube, Olt, Mureș, Someș, Criș, Jiu, Siret, Prut etc.Lakes: Razim, Siutghiol, Tekirghiol, Bicaz, Vidraru etc.

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Any Lake Stroganoff in Romania.

What are the major bodies of water or landforms in Romania?

Sea: Black Sea Rivers: Danube, Olt, Argeş, Prut, Siret, Jiu, Someş, Prahova, Dîmboviţa, Tîrnava, Lakes: Razim, Sinoe, Goloviţa, Zmeica, Izvorul Muntelui, Babadag, Oltina,

What is something that few people know about Romania?

In Romania exist a lake of volcanic origin: Saint Anna (Sfînta Ana).

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Is Bucharest a port in Romania?

Bucharest is not a port (excepting leisure boats on the Lake Herăstrău !).