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Koalas live almost anywhere in Victoria, but less so in the western regions of the state. Koalas are particularly prolific along the southern and eastern coast where active campaigns by the government and conservation groups have taken place to repopulate the area with koalas. Koalas can be found in open bushland, sub-alpine bushland, coastal bushland and anywhere where their preferred food source is.

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Q: Where in Victoria do koalas live?
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How many koalas live in Victoria?

It is not known how many koalas there are in Victoria, just that it is the state with the highest population of koalas.According to the Australian Koala Foundation, some scientists believe there are hundreds of thousands of koalas still in Victoria, yet the Australian Koala Foundation estimates the numbers of koalas overall throughout Australia to be less than 80,000.

Do koalas live in the Great Victoria Desert?

No. Whilst there are areas of scrubby eucalyptus trees, they are the wrong sort of eucalypts.

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Koalas do not live in Canada.

What is the weight of the single largest koala in the world?

The world's largest koala is a 14 metre statue at Dadswells Bridge in the Grampians, Victoria. Being made of bronze, it weighs an estimated twelve tonnes.Regarding live koalas: Koalas in the southern regions of Australia are bigger than those from the north. The largest koalas recorded are those from Victoria, attaining a weight of over 10 kilograms.

How many koalas live in the wild?

100,000 Koalas

Where in Florida do koalas live?

Koalas do not live in Florida at all. They are native to Australia alone.

Do koalas live in the African forest?

No. Koalas live exclusively in Australian Eucalyptus Forests.

Do koalas live in a desert in Australia?

No. Koalas do not live in any desert areas because deserts do not have eucalyptus trees which koalas depend on to survive.

Where are koalas native to?

Koalas are naturally found in parts of Australia, namely being the states of Queensland , New South Wales , Victoria and South Australia.

Do koalas live in Greece?

No. Koalas are endemic to Australia alone.

Are there koalas in France?

If there are, they live in zoos. Koalas are indiginous to Australia.

What do koalas make?

Koalas do not build nests or live in a burrow