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Q: Where in a frog's mouth does food enter?
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Where do internal nostrils open?

The internal nostrils of the frog open into the frogs mouth. When the nostrils open it allows air to enter the enlarged mouth.

Where do the internal nostrils opens?

The internal nostrils of the frog open into the frogs mouth. When the nostrils open it allows air to enter the enlarged mouth.

Where does the food enter after going through the mouth?


Where do nutrients enter the body?

The mouth, you eat food with them in.

How is the frogs tongue well adapted for the type of food it eats?

The sticky tongue on the front of their mouth.

How does food and water enter the Alimentary Canal?

Through the mouth

What do frogs have in their mouths that tods do not?

Frogs have teeth for gripping their food (not chewing). Toads do not have teeth.teeth

How does a frogs mouth help it to eat?

Their sticky tongue helps it catch the food by quickly flicking out and bringing it's prey into it's mouth to swallow.

How do tree frogs catch there food?

Pretty Much the same way any other frog would. They shoot their sticky tongue out of their mouth at something they see that looks good for them to eat. And whip it back in to their mouth to eat it. Yum!

What do frogs use to push their food down?

Frogs use the muscles of their eyes and pull their eyeballs down which pushes the pray down. The tongue is rather used for catching and holding the pray. Tongueless frogs (Pipidae) push their food in their mouth with there front legs. This looks strange, as the frogs 'eats with his hands'.

What does a frog close when it swallows?

Some frogs can have oxagen enter through there skin.

How do frogs use their teeth if not to chew food?

The position of their teeth allows them to hold down their prey in their mouth so they can break it down with their saliva, then push the food down the esophagus with their eyes. This is because frogs can't chew or swallow their food, so they have to push it down their throat, and have it broken down in their mouth.