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Tornadoes can occur just about anywhere in the U.S. but are most common on the Great Plains and in Florida.

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Q: Where in america do tornadoes appear?
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In what sort of regions do tornadoes appear?

Normally down the middle of North america, but they can form anywhere really.

Do cumulonimbus clouds appear in tornadoes?

Cumulus clouds don't so much appear in tornadoes. It is more accurate to say that tornadoes descend from cumulonimbus clouds.

Do tornadoes appear in the northen hemisphere or the southern hemisphere?

Tornadoes happen in both hemispheres.

Where do tornadoes appear most in Iowa?

in storm lake

What clouds appear when tornadoes occur?

Tornadoes are produced by cumulonimbus clouds. Other clouds associated with tornadoes include wall clouds and funnel clouds.

How many states in America get tornadoes?

Every state has had at least a few weak tornadoes.

What places in America have the most tornadoes?

The top five states with the most tornadoes are:TexasOklahomaKansasFloridaNebraska

Do Tornadoes glow green?

No. Tornadoes do no glow at all. The sky before or during a tornado may appear greenish, though.

What areas of AZ have no tornadoes?

No part of Arizona is completely free of tornadoes, but they appear to be less common in the western part of the state.

What biome do tornadoes most occur?

Tornadoes can occur in almost any biome, but appear to be most common in grassland regions.

Why do tornadoes appear black?

Tornadoes do not always appear black. The apparent color depends on lighting conditions and how much and what color of soil is being lifted. Many tornadoes appear dark because of perspective: the are lit from behind and are essentially silhouetted against the light source. The same tornado may appear lighter if viewed from a different angle. The storms that spawn tornadoes have very thick clouds that often making conditions appear very dark. The clouds themselves may be black. Some tornadoes may be black as they lift large amounts of black soil into the air.

Where were there tornadoes in the Great Galveston Hurricane?

There do not appear to be any reliable records of tornadoes spawned by the Galveston hurricane. There is a chance that the storm did produce tornadoes, but back in 1900 there was no system of record keeping for tornadoes as there is today.