

Where in asia do lions live?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: Where in asia do lions live?
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What continent lions live on?

Africa and Asia.

Do mountain lions live in asia?

No. They are found in the Americas.

Do lions eat red kangaroos?

Of course not. Lions live in Africa and Asia while kangaroos live in Australia.

On what two continents do lions live?

Lions are found in parts of Africa and parts of Asia.

Do tigers protect people from lions?

No. They'd never meet since tigers live in Asia and lions live in Africa.

On what continent do the tigers and lions live?

Asia is the continent you seek.

What continent do lions mostly live on?

Lions are found in parts of Africa and parts of Asia.

Where do Asian lions live?

Asiatic lions occur in the Gir Forest of India.

On which continents do lions live?

Lions are found in parts of Africa and parts of Asia.

Where do lions live around the world?

Lions are found in parts of Africa and parts of Asia.

What is the continent where lions and elephants live?

Africa and Asia are both continents thatn have both lions and elephants.

Do tigers live in grasslands?

Yes they do. So do lions and wolves.