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Q: Where in the Bible can you find the verse which reads 'The Lord reveals to redeem'?
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What is the shortest Bible verse in the new world translation Bible?

The shortest verse is "Jesus wept." . John 11 verse 36 . when he stod outside the tomb of Lazarus. The verse is actually John 11:35. Also, in the new world translation it reads,"Jesus gave way to tears."

Where would you find in the bible the replacement of Judas Iscariot?

Look in Acts, chapter 1, verse 26. If you read from verse 23 to verse 26, it reveals how the disciples chose Matthias to replace Judas who had died by suicide.

What is the shortest verse in the Greek Bible?

In Greek, John 11:35 reads, "edakrusen o IhsouV", and 1st Thessalonians 5:16 reads, "Pantote cairete".

What is the bible verse that says its ok to smoke marijuana?

The Bible does not specifically mention marijuana or drug use. Christians believe in following the laws of the land and respecting one's body as a temple of the Holy Spirit, which includes avoiding substances that can harm one's health or impair judgment.

What is a good bible verse for a butterfly tattoo?

One popular and meaningful Bible verse for a butterfly tattoo is 2 Corinthians 5:17, which reads "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" This verse symbolizes transformation and renewal, similar to how a butterfly undergoes metamorphosis.

Where is 'this' found in The Bible?

You can check The Bible book name, its chapter, and verse number if we have the verse. It is easier to look it up if you have either the verse topic or the verse itself.

What verse in the bible talks about cremation is wrong?

There is no verse in the Bible that says that cremation is wrong.

Which Bible verse explains the death of apostle John?

There is no Bible verse for John's death.

What is the easiest Bible verse to remember?

Jesus wept because that is the smallest verse in the bible

Why is it named Inherit the Wind?

This title refers to the Bible verse, Proverbs 11:29, which in the King James version reads: He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind.

What bible verse reads everything in moderation?

Phillipians 4:5 reads, "Let your moderation be known to all men". However, the phrase you mention is best known in Greek culture, translated as "pan metron ariston", which means "everything in moderation".

What is another name for a Bible verse or passage?

A verse.