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It depends on whether or not your spouse is sorry for it and repents of it.

Israel "cheated" on her Husband repeatedly and never repented of it... and He divorced her.

" a wife treacherously departeth from her Husband, so have ye dealt treacherously with Me, O House of Israel, saith the Lord." (Jer.3:20)

Forgiveness can be a wonderful thing when offered in the right spirit. But, if the one forgiven is not remorseful or sorry for their transgression... and doesn't care about or want forgiveness... the result is a vain and empty gesture.

God forgives those who are sorry for having transgressed against His laws... not those who thumb their noses at Him, or "curse Him to His face" [Job 1:11], and fully intend to continue transgressing against Him.

Repentance is key... and the first step to forgiveness: "... that REPENTANCE and remission of sins should be preachd in His name..." (Luke 24:47)... which is the critical step of personal responsibility that the world refuses to accept, that it might be forgiven.

Understanding the transgression, repenting of it and seeking mercy and forgiveness is Godly and biblical.

But if the transgression is committed "treacherously," without remorse and with no intention of stopping... then, a writ of divorcement is also biblical.

"...I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of Divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also... yet for all this her treacherous sister Judah hath not turned unto Me with her whole heart, but feignedly, saith the Lord." (Jer.3:8-10)

Forgiveness is a deeply spiritual matter. But, then... so is the wicked thought that preceeds the sinful act.

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Q: Where in the Bible does is say forgive your spouse for cheating?
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Mark 11:25,26

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It is possible to forgive someone of a wrong they refuse to admit to because forgiveness is something that happens within yourself. How? By simply letting the issue go. You could say (whether to him or just to yourself), "I forgive you for cheating on me. I forgive you for keeping it a secret. I forgive you for denying your wrongdoing. I forgive you and I will not hold it against you any longer." Then move on. True forgiveness brings freedom and rest to the forgiver, regardless of how the forgiven one reacts.

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The Bible teaches forgiveness but nowhere does it tell you to not learn from experiences.

What does it say in the bible about not forgiving someone?

Matthew 6:15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father (God) forgive your trespasses

How many times did the bible say you have to forgive?

The Bible states, “ You must forgive 77 times, for the one who hurt you... needs it most.” We all need to forgive each other, in order to live out our faith and fulfill the quest we were given from birth.

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you never find it in the bible as god did never say this

What do you do when your girlfriend admits to cheating?

Well I say that you should forgive her but it's your desicion on whether you trust her enough to take her back.

Do you think your spouse is cheating but he is not?

Yes, some individuals can think their spouse is cheating when they are not. Some individuals have a jealous streak because they are not confident in themselves or perhaps have been hurt by someone else in the past that did cheat. Once an individual has been cheated on previously they are more inclined to be more suspicious of their new spouse cheating. This is where good communication skills is most important in a relationship and you should feel free to discuss how you feel with your spouse and then listen to what they have to say. There are male and female spouses who do cheat, but in most cases the signs are there or eventually the spouse cheating will give themselves away or be caught. We all risk a spouse cheating throughout our life spans, but thankfully a higher percentage do not cheat. Your relationship should be based on trust and if you do not feel you have it then work on it by communicating with your spouse or, if you are having difficulties with thinking your spouse is cheating there is nothing wrong with seeing a psychologist to get you over your difficult time.

Does the bible say that if you stay with an unfaithful spouse than you are an adulterer also?

Thde Bible says that you are noty to be unequally yoked.

Does your spouse struggling to forgive himself for cheating on you?

this depends if he loves you or not because some men use woman to steel there money after getting a divorce just to make himself more popular or rich so i so i would say yes because most good men are hard to find