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The ascension of Jesus is only mentioned in Luke's Gospel and Acts of the Apsotles, although the accounts differ. Luke 24:51 says that the ascension of Jesus was watched by the disciples on the evening of his resurrection. Acts of the Apostles, although by the same author, says (chapter 1) that Jesus acended to heaven forty days after his resurrection, in the presence of 'them', an undefined number of people.

Each of the gospels gives a different account of how many times the Risen Jesus appeared, and how many saw him after his resurrection. The exception is Mark's Gospel, which in its original form ended at verse 16:8, with the young man telling the women that Jesus was risen and they told no one; the "Long Ending" (verses 16:9-20) was added long afterwards to provide the necessary resurrection appearances and to more or less harmonise Markwith Matthew and Luke.

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Q: Where in the Bible does it say how many saw Jesus' ascension and how many saw Him resurrected?
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