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This would be the closest thing I can find

2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

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Q: Where in the Bible does it state the churches will be empty?
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When was Fellowship of Fundamental Bible Churches created?

Fellowship of Fundamental Bible Churches was created in 1939.

How do you find learnings about the Bible?

In bible-based Christian churches.

Is there a calvanist Bible?

No, there is no special Calvanist Bible. Reformed churches (those who follow Calvin's theology) use a variety of Bibles as other churches do.

Is there a name of a church named in the bible?

When the bible was written there were no church buildings, churches were groups of Christan believers and Paul wrote letters to these 'churches'.

How do churches remember god?

The Bible is how they remember

What is the book that holds all of the churches teachings?

the bible

How many churches in the Bible Belt?

There are in excess of 52,000 Baptist churches in the United States. There are more than 17.5 Americans who are members of these churches.

Why is that there are some bible that contains 66 books only?

Different branches of Christianity - "Churches", as against 'churches' - recognise different books as being valid parts of the Bible.

Where you get The Bible?

Bookstores or onlne. Some hotel rooms have them. They are also available in churches and from Bible Societies.

What churches have stain glass windows?

Most had a form of stain glass since it was used to teach the bible. The population couldn't read or write so to teach the bible windows were used in the churches.

How many Churches in the USA that use a King James Bible?

about half of them.

Why do you think gothic churches are sometimes referred to as bible in stones?

Because they are