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The area code for Cardiff is 029.

The city and surrounding area uses the area code 029 with eight-digit local numbers. For example (029) 2087 2087 is Cardiff City Council.

In line with this, telephone numbers starting 029 20..., 029 21..., 029 22..., etc... would all be for the Cardiff area.

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Q: Where in the UK is associated with this code 02920?
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Cardiff has the area code 029. Local phone numbers that follow the code are eight digits long.An example of a Cardiff phone number including area code would be the City Council's information line: (029) 2087 2087.Until April 2000, Cardiff had shorter, six-digit phone numbers and the area code 01222. If you have an old six-digit Cardiff number, prefix it with '20'. So, for example, the old number (01222) 872087 has become (029) 2087 2087. Some people mistakenly write Cardiff numbers as, for example, (02920) 872087, but that is incorrect. The area code is just 029, not 02920, and the local number is now 8 digits long.

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How can you explain that Cardiff's area code is 029 and not 02920?

Simplest is to explain how area codes and local dialling work:In the United Kingdom, landline phones have local numbers which can be used to dial within the area. These are normally 6 to 8 digits long, although they can sometimes be even shorter.Area codes form part of the full national number needed when dialling from outside the area or from a mobile phone. It is the part of the number that you do not need to dial when calling locally.Within the Cardiff (029) area, all local calls are dialable using a full eight digit number, such as 20878889. The part which is optional is the 029, which proves that 029 is the code.If the code was 02920, then local calls would be diallable using just the last 6 digits (such as 878889) - but this is not possible, therefore the code cannot be 02920 as the '20' is not optional. Furthermore, there are now also numbers in the range (029) 21xx xxxx.As Cardiff had six-digit local numbers before the year 2000, and as most numbers started with '20' at first, writing '02920' is a common mistake and can cause confusion. It is helpful to write Cardiff numbers in the correct (029) xxxx xxxx format, as this makes clear what the area code is and assists people trying to dial locally.