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isaiah 40:22

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Q: Where in the bible you can see the earth is spherical?
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Where do you find that the earth is spherical in the Bible?

The earth is round (spherical/a globe) and hanging upon nothing (Isaiah 40:22/Job 26:7)

Where in the bible do you find that the earth is spherical?

The earth is round (spherical/a globe) and hanging upon nothing (Isaiah 40:22/Job 26:7)

How does this demonstrate that earth is spherical?

WHAT demonstrates that the Earth is spherical?!

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What chapter in the Bible would you find that the Earth is spherical?

You may need to read these Scriptures in various versions to see the wording you are looking for: Job26:7 Isaiah 40:21-22 Proverbs 8:27

Is the earth really spherical?

The Earth is almost spherical. It's slightly squashed, or oblate.

Who was the first to claim that the earth is ellipsoid not spherical?

Newton was first claim that the earth is ellipsoid instead of spherical...

Is it possible to see the whole Earth on a sphere?

simple answer. No. The explanation is simple really. Hold something spherical and see if you can see all of it at the same time.

What is the spherical satellite of the earth?

moon is the satellite of the earth.

If the earth is round why does it seem?

Even though the earth is round, or more specifically, spherical, it seems flat to the human eye. This is because the earth is so huge that when we look at it we can't take in all of the horizon because we are so close. If we were viewing the earth from the moon, we would clearly be able to see it is spherical.

How do spherical puzzle help me learn?

spherical puzzles are similar to globe puzzles.Most globe puzzles have designs representing spherical shapes such as the Earth, the Moon, and historical globes of the Earth.

How an eclipse is evidence of the Earth being spherical in shape?

an eclipse is a evidence of the earth being in spherical shape is that it can figure it self...