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Q: Where in the food chain does cellular respiration occur?
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How many organisms need to be in a food chain to carry out cellular respiration?

a food chain should only consist of four or five organisms to carry our cellular respiration

What types of food are best for respiration to occur?

The kind that does not get lodged in the pharynx to asphyxiate you.

What is the process by which the chemical energy of food molecules is released?

The first step of the process is the digestion.

The process that releases energy from food in the presence of oxygen is?

Cellular Respiration Biology 1 honors student.

What Food molecules contain biochemical energy which is made available?

cellur respiration

Does mitochondria energy occur in respiration?

mitochondria creates energy from the raw energy made sunlight(photosynthesis) and food(cellular respiration) which converts it into atp(adenosine triphospate) which can be used as the energy currency.

Where do the final stages of cellular respiration occur?

In plant cells, photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide, water, and sunshine to make food, and oxygen. Cellular respiration uses oxygen photosynthesis makes and turns it into carbon dioxide so photosynthesis can occur again. -Emily

Energy used in cellular respiration can originate from?

The energy used in cellular respiration can originates from food.

What is respiration allows organisms to obtain food?

cellular respiration.

What limits us from doing cellular respiration?

A lack of oxygen can limit people from cellular respiration. As well as oxygen, food also limits cellular respiration.

What substances are nedded for cellular respiration to take place and what substances are during cellular respiration?

The substances that are needed for cellular respiration are glucose and oxygen. During cellular respiration, the cells convert food into usable energy.

When occurs cellular respiration?

Cellular respiration occurs when cells oxidize food molecules into carbon dioxide and water. Cellular respiration is the process that cells use to get their energy.