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Q: Where in the gut is most water absorbed?
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Why do Minerals vitamins and water not need to be digested?

Because they are not complex organic compounds that need to be "split" into their component to be absorbed by the gut.

Where is most of the sun's energy absorbed in water?

Most of the sun's energy is absorbed near the surface.

What is the function of gut?

The gut is where food is digested, nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream, and indigestible waste moves through and leaves the body.

How does roughage help in preventing constipation?

It is not fully digested and absorbed into the gut, so it provides bulk to faeces, drawing water with it, making it softer and easier for peristalsis to push it along the gut. Yummy.

Where is most of the water absorbed in the digestive tract?

Most water is absorbed in the Large Intestine ! x

Where in the alimentary canal is most water absorbed?

Large intestine absorbs much water from food.It so essential for us to excrete waste products out of our body in the form of faecal matter.And main thing is water which is essential for us should not be excreted.So we get a dry faecal matter.Other wise if it fails to do a watery motion occurs

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How much water do dried green beans absorb?

t he amount of water absorbed by raisins depends upon temperature of water .The more the temperature of water the more is the water absorbed.water is absorbed the most in lukewarm water.

Where are nutrients absorbed in the digestive system?

AnswerSince most all nutrients that a human needs are absorbed via the digestive system. All carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are absorbed in the small intestine.AnswerThings are absorbed throughout the entire system, with the exception of the esophagus. Some glucose, for example, can be absorbed in the mouth. Water, alcohol, and some nutrients are absorbed in the stomach. Most nutrient absorption occurs in the small intestine. Water and some minerals and vitamins are absorbed in the colon. Most vitamin K is produced by bacteria in the colon and absorbed there.

How can water be absorbed into a cup?

Water cannot be absorbed into a cup.

Where is water absorbed in digestive?

Water is absorbed in the large intestine.

What is milk-clotting enzyme chymosin?

Stuff your stomach makes so milk stays in the gut longer, so every nutrient can be absorbed from it. Otherwise it'd flow away faster, like water.