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It is not fully digested and absorbed into the gut, so it provides bulk to faeces, drawing water with it, making it softer and easier for peristalsis to push it along the gut.


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not sure try fiber.

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Q: How does roughage help in preventing constipation?
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What happen when we don't include roughage in our body?


Name the foods that a person should eat to prevent constipation?

Foods that are good for preventing constipation are goods that are high in fiber. Broccoli and prunes are both good for preventing constipation.

What is the Importance of roughage in food?

"Roughage" such as lettuce, fruits, and other fibers, are important to loosen things up in your digestive system so that you do not get constipated. That is why when you eat some fruits or vegetables you can get gas, or have to go to the bathroom more often. This is why eating fruits and vegetables will help you lose weight besides giving you more energy with out feeling weight down. Importance:Roughage helps in bowel movement thus keeping our system clean.Roughage helps the digestive system to function efficiently, by keeping texture in the waste.To prevent constipation. The advantage of including roughage into a high fiber diet is that it helps in preventing colon cancer

Does red wine cause constipation?

Probably not it has alot of roughage with the skin so it may even relieve constipation.

What is the cause for constipation in breastfeed infants?

In General? Baby formula. Breastmilk contains a component which softens stools preventing constipation.

A sensible idea for preventing constipation is to?

Include more high fiber foods in your diet.

What helps your intestines healthy while preventing constipation?

Eating fiber and drinking water.

What is best to take to prevent constipation?

Maintaining a healthy diet is key to preventing constipation. Introducing foods high in fiber, avoiding caffeine and alcohol, and drinking plenty of water are some things you can do to prevent constipation.

What puropse does cellulose serve for us?

cellulose is not digested in our food canal but serves as roughage therefore :- making the faecal matter soft , avoiding constipation. answered by melanie

Does cigarettes help with constipation?


What is the use of a constipation doctor?

A constipation doctor is helpful in relieving a person's constipation problems. They can prescribe medicines to help with severe constipation and offer tips.

Why it is now advisable to sieve wheat flour?

the reason for this is because whenever we sieve flour it loses its roughage which is useful for us.