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The green cells in an onion plant are located in the leaves. These cells contain chlorophyll, which is responsible for photosynthesis and gives the leaves their green color.

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Q: Where in the onion plants are the green cells located?
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What plant organelle is missing from the onion cell?

Because, it is very small. You will need a electron microscope to see it.

Onion cells and elodea cells structure differences?

An ELODEA cell is a PLANT cell. A HUMAN EPIDERMAIL cell is an ANIMAL cell. if you know that plant cells and animal cells have different organelles, then you should be good to go.

Why is an onion cell a plant cell?

Onion cells have a cell wall made of cellulose, while animal cells don't have a cell wall. Also, onion cells would have chloroplasts and chlorophyll so they can do photosynthesis. And animal cells have organelles called either centrosomes or centrioles, and plants don't.

What is the difference between an onion cell and a cheek cell?

Cheek cells are only found in animals, whereas onion cells are found in platns, particularly onion cells. Cheek cells, being animal cells, do not contain a cell wall as onion cells do becasue cell walls are found only in plant cells for structure and rigidness. Onion cells, unlike most plant cells, do not have chlorplasts becasue it does not need sunlight for photosynthesis as other plants do. Being grown underground, it receives nutrients directly from the soil, so chloraplasts are not evident. This is also why onions are never green, since chloroplasts contain chlorpohyll, a pigment which gives plants its green color. Basically, cheek cells are found in animals, and onion cells are found in plants.

How do cells of the onion specimen appear under the microscope?

The cells of the onion appeared to be crooked.

Related questions

Why do onion skin cells have no chloroplast?

because it is only found in green parts of plants

What cells are in an onion tip but not the onion?

The cells in an onion tip but not the onion itself are usually actively dividing cells located at the growing tip of the onion root, known as the root cap cells. These cells help protect the delicate meristematic cells responsible for root growth and can often be found in the root zone of plants.

Are onion cells produced by animal or plant cells?

By Plants.

How do onion cells differ from other plant cells?


Are the plastids of onion cellcolored?

In plants and algeas, there are organelles located in the cells called Pastids. Due to photosynthesis that gathers food for the cells, plastids cans change colors.

Do the cells of the onion bulb possess chloroplasts?

No, the cells of an onion bulb do not contain chloroplasts. Onions belong to the group of plants that store energy as carbohydrates in their bulb. Chloroplasts are predominantly found in green plant tissues where photosynthesis occurs.

Do onions have choroplasts do elodea plants carry out photosynthesis?

Just did this lab in Biology. Onion cells do not have chloroplasts; therefore, they do not possess the green pigment, chlorophyll, that chloroplasts produce. Elodea plants do carry out photosynthesis.

Do the cells of bananas and green pepper or red peppers have the same shape as the onion cells?


What plant organelle is missing from the onion cell?

Because, it is very small. You will need a electron microscope to see it.

Do all plant cells have chloroplasts?

No, for example, onion plant cells don't. Even in green plants, chloroplasts are not in each cell, only in ones that receive sunlight. The presence of chloroplasts (green color) in the cells of a plant are an indicator of whether or not those cells are photosynthetic. Almost all terestrial plants are photosynthetic, but that does not mean that all of a single plant's cells are photosynthetic as described above. Photosynthetic cells are specialized to make sugar for the plant's energy needs from atmospheric carbon dioxide. The cells in other parts of the plant have other specialized functions.

Onion cells and elodea cells structure differences?

An ELODEA cell is a PLANT cell. A HUMAN EPIDERMAIL cell is an ANIMAL cell. if you know that plant cells and animal cells have different organelles, then you should be good to go.

Why is an onion cell a plant cell?

Onion cells have a cell wall made of cellulose, while animal cells don't have a cell wall. Also, onion cells would have chloroplasts and chlorophyll so they can do photosynthesis. And animal cells have organelles called either centrosomes or centrioles, and plants don't.