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The African lion is native to Africa south of the Sahara desert excluding the thick parts of the Congo Rainforest, and some of the rainforest along the Ivory Coast. However, extinct subspecies of lions also lived along the western and northern coasts of Africa north of the southern boundary of the Sahara Desert.

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Q: Where in the world are the African lions native?
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Are lions native only to the African continent?

yes but you will find them a lot at zoos. NO they are also native to India.

What is the strongest species of lions?

The strongest lion in the world are African lions

What are the native animals in Africa?

Things like African elephants, Giraffes, cheeters, some lions.

Do lions eat pumas?

Lions are native to Africa, while Pumas are native to North and South America, they would never have met in the wild.

How many lions are there?

A century ago, there were close to 200,000 lions living in their native Africa. Today, there are less 21,000 lions known to exist.there are only two breeeds left in the world so only about 7,000AlotThere are 6987 lions in the yr 2011 today this is accurate trust me.If this was your homework pick thisthere are fewer than 23,000 left in the world and 300 white lions left in the worldtoday in the wild there are fewer than 23,000 lions left in the world and there are 300 white lions in the world

Are lions on the world conservation unions list of endangered animals?

Lions are listed as threatened, the African subspecies. The Asiatic is endangered.

Where in the world does the lion live?

Lions inhabit African Savannah and also the jungles of India.

Can African lions swim in the sea?

Yes, African Lions can swim in sea, but they only swim if they have to.

Are African elephants larger than other elephants?

African elephants may be more than twice as heavy as Asian elephants. Also an African elephant has much bigger ears then the Asian elephant. Some people distinguish African elephants into bush and forest varieties, and the forest ones are not as big.

Were lions native to jungles or grasslands?

Lions favour the grassland

What do African lions eat in the African jungle?

Nothing. African lions don't live in jungles. Since they don't live there, they don't eat there.

Do any Lions besides African Lions hibernate?

Lions do not hibernate..No cats hibernate.