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"...found in the underground workings of a coalmine, in Illinois, USA, the world's oldest rainforest: it is 300 million years old, from the Carboniferous period, when world most and best coal's resources formed ("carboniferous" = bearing coal)."


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Q: Where in the would is the oldest rainforest?
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Is the fern the oldest rainforest plant?

It may be oldest vascular rainforest plant

What is the oldest ecosystem?

There was no first ecosystem on Earth. There were just different ecosystems in different parts of the world.

What is a rainforest in north-eastern coast of Queensland?

Probably the most "famous" rainforest on the northeastern coast is the Daintree, which is believed to be the oldest rainforest in the world.

Where does the oldest living rain forest meet the Great Barrier Reef?

This occurs in north Queensland, Australia. The oldest living rainforest is believed to be the Daintree Rainforest in far north Queensland, and it meets the Great Barrier Reef at Cape Tribulation.

What are miners mining for in the Daintree Rainforest?

There is no mining in the rainforest. It is a registered World Heritage listed sight as of 1988. Once leases were given to mine Tin, however, if that happened many plant and animal species would be lost forever. This is the oldest rainforest on our planet and the only one to survive the Ice Age. The Daintree is older than the Amazon Rainforest, and we have learned the value of the Amazon, haven't we?

It is the oldest rainforest in the world?

The Taman Negara rain forest in Malaysia is said to be the world's oldest rain forest. It is estimated to be more than 130 million years old.

Would you expect the biomass to be higher in a rainforest or dessert?


What would a warm rainforest biome be located?

A warm rainforest biome would be located in the highlands.

Would a hunter hunt in the rainforest?

do hunters hunt in a tropical rainforest

Why is the rainforest useful to use?

with out the rainforest's lots of animals would have no where to live

Is the Amazon rainforest a tropical rainforest?

YES, the Amazon rainforest is a tropical rainforest. If you had been bothered to research it would probably have said that in most websites and books!

What is the most interesting rainforest animal?

If you have ever been in the rainforest you would know that it is the penguin.