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in leisure towers which is 2 screens right of main street, you have to climb to the top outside the building. to do this you have to climb up the windows without falling all the way to the top until you get to 33c where you can click on the window to go in.

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Q: Where is 33 C in leisure towers wimpy wonderland?
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The old folks home is Leisure Towers to the right of the school. When you are chasing Manny, climb the outside of the building and enter Grandpa's window at 33-C.

How do you get into Leisure Towers on Wimpy Wonderland?

Once you have the address book from Greg's house, you can chase Manny to the Leisure Towers building to the right of the school. Climb the outside to reach the top floor, where Grandpa has apartment 33-C. If you don't have the address, or have not chased Manny, there is no way in even if you can climb the building.

Where is leisure towers on Wimpy Wonderland?

If you keep going right past the school, you will then reach Leisure Towers. To enter go up the outside to the top floor, and enter Grandpa's apartment (33-C).*You need the address book from Greg's house, and you have to chase Manny at the school before you can see Grandpa.near grzs

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Leisure Towers is to the right of the school. The Bingo game is held in the hall downstairs. To enter the building for the first time, chase Manny from the school, then climb up the outside of the windows to reach Grandpa's apartmemt, 33-C.

Where is Gregs grandpa on wimpy wonderland?

Greg's grandfather is at Leisure Towers. You have to go up the building (Stay on the right side of C so you don't get hit). His # is 33-C. When eating his watercress salad; click really super fast so you don't puke.

What do you do in leisure towers on Wimpy Wonderland?

When you have chased Manny from the school, and have the Address Book from Greg's house, you can visit Grandpa at Leisure Towers. But you have to climb up the outside of the building the first time you go there, up to apartment 33-C. Eat salad with Grandpa and click fast to keep it down. Later, when you have shoveled Gramma's driveway and freed Fregly from his snowman, you can play bingo downstairs with Gramma.

How do you get into the apartment on wimpy wonderland?

You need Greg's address book from his house. Grandpa lives in Leisure Towers, to the right of the school. Once you have chased Manny to the school, and then out of it, go right and climb the outside of the building to the window of 33-C (stay to the right to avoid falling objects).

How do you get through the door at leisure towers on Wimpy Wonderland?

The first time, you have to climb up the outside of the building to Grandpa's apartment, 33-C. (You need the address book from Greg's house.) After that, you can come and go through the front door, notably when you go to play Bingo with Gramma.

What level do you go on the elevator on wimpy wonderland?


When I'm in 33-c on wimpy wonderland island what do you do?

You talk to grampa.

Where is the hotel on Wimpy Wonderland?

There is no hotel: the building to the right of the school is the Leisure Towers, a condo only for elderly people like Greg's Grandpa. When you chase Manny out of the school, he goes there. Follow him and you can climb up the outside (you have to have the address book from Greg's house). Grandpa lives at the very top, apartment 33-C.

How do you get in the old people place on Wimpy Wonderland?

After you chase Manny from Rowley's house to the school, and then out of the school, you can continue right to Leisure Towers. You need the address book from Greg's house, which shows Grandpa Heffley's apartment number, 33-C. Climb up the outside and enter his window (if you stay way to the right, most objects will miss you).