

Where is Apartheid taking place?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Used to be South Africa but it is finished (on paper anyway)

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Q: Where is Apartheid taking place?
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Where did the Apartheid take place?

Apartheid ("apartness") was a policy of the South African government (National Party) (NP) from 1948 to 1994. The purpose was to keep the various races apart.

Who was in charge of south Africa when the apartheid was in place?

The founding party of Apartheid was the National Party. The National Party was the ruling party up until the end of Apartheid.

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Apartheid began in 1948 and ended with the speech from De klerk in 1990.

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Where did the South African apartheid take place?

in south africa

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Did any good come out of apartheid in South Africa?

no, not at all. instead apartheid has made the world an even ugylier place to visit due to apartheid. black people have never hated the white people like ever before.

What system was put in place to keep the race different?

The system was known as the apartheid system.

What role did F.W. DE klerk play in the end of apartheid?

As several riots had taken place against apartheid, and people in other nations opposed it by boycotting goods produced in South Africa, President F.W. de Klerk ended apartheid because of this.

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all the rights to whites only

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