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Currently Canada exports a lot of its forestry products to the United States ( 67 percent, to be precise). The largest percentage of Canada's forestry exports is used to manufacture newsprint.

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Q: Where is Forestry developed in Canada?
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When was forestry in Canada was heavily developed?

Forestry in Canada was heavily devoloped in 1945 By Josef Van Hurbertton

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Where was the natural resource of forestry developed?

blah blah blah

The largest percentage of Canada's forestry exports are used to manufacture what product?

Canada exports a lot of softwood lumber. It exports maple syrup, which is also derived from trees. Canada has a well developed pulp and paper industry as well, and exports paper.

What is a list of Canada's Natural Resources?

forestry and minning

What is the economic resources of Canada Canada?

Oil, forestry, agricultural products, manufacturing (automobiles).

Which is one of Canada's largest manufacturing industries?

Forestry products.

Which province has the most valuabl forest industy in Canada?

British Columbia has Canada's most valuable forestry sector.

What are Canada's economical activities?

Mining Fishing Forestry We have a lot of fresh water :D

What are the major economic activities in Quebec Canada?

forestry,fishing,agriculture and manufacturing

Some of Canada's leading industries are?

Agriculture, oil and gas, tourism, forestry and tertiary services

What are Canada's main economic activities?

Mining Fishing Forestry We have a lot of fresh water :D