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Greek myth does not say plainly, if it does say, it gives multiple parentage and locations. Usually however she is said to be the daughter of the primeval sea deities Phorkys (presided over the hidden dangers of the deep) and Keto (personified the dangers of the sea).

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Q: Where is Medusa hometown where she was born?
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What is Medusa's birthplace?

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What year was Medusa born?

There is no Greek Mythology due to when Medusa was born, Unfortunately.

How was Pegasus born what did he do to Medusa?

When Perseus cut off the head of Medusa Pegasus was born.

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Medusa was born a Gorgon.

Where was Medusa born and where she live in Greece?

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Medusa was born Medusa. However, she assumed her better-known Gorgon form with snake hair when she was caught with Poseidon in Athena's temple. IDK

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