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Q: Where is Sagittarius located in the sky?
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Where is the constellation Sagittarius located in the sky?

Sagittarius the Archer, is right behind Scorpius the Scorpion. both visible in the summer sky - south if you live in the Northern Hemisphere.

Where is the arkab star located in Sagittarius?

Beta Sagittarii (Arkab) is located in the posterior leg of Sagittarius.

How can you we find constellation Sagittarius in the night sky?

A star chart

When can Sagittarius be seen in the sky?

The answer will depend on where on earth you are trying to view it from.

What season does Sagittarius appear highest in the sky at midnight to observers near earths equator?

Sagittarius should appear highest in the sky at midnight right around the First of the Year, and it doesn't matter where on Earth you are.

Where is the Epsilon Sagittarius star located in the constellation?

Epsilon Sagittarius (Kaus Australis) is the southern portion of the bow.

Where is the center of the milky way located?

In the constellation of Sagittarius.

Where and when will you find Sagittarius in the night sky?

The constellation Sagittarius represents a centaur with a bow. Its name, in Latin, means archer. Sagittarius is one of the constellations listed by Ptolemy in the second century.

Where is scorpius located?

On (well, mostly south of) the ecliptic between Sagittarius and Libra.

Where is most of the of the Milky Way located?

The galactic center is in the general direction of Sagittarius. Is that what you were asking?

What constellation is NGC 6723 located in?

NGC 6723 is a globular cluster in the constellation Sagittarius.

Why was the constellation Sagittarius the Archer placed in the sky?

We can only speculate, and different people may have different opinions. To understand the true motive, you would have to inquire of He who placed those stars in those particular places in the sky. Or else consult the ancient individuals who looked at that group of stars, decided what it looked like to them, and gave it the name Sagittarius.