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Islamism is not a religion; it is a political ideology whose goal is to bring the religious tenets of Islam into the daily functioning of a government and its laws. As such, it has no place of worship (just like Nationalism and Socialism do not have places of worship).

If by Islamism, you meant to write Islam, the place of worship in Islam is a Mosque which is Masjid in Arabic. Occasionally, there are very large Mosques (like the Catholic idea of a Cathedral) which are called Jame'a in Arabic.

It may be useful to add to the above that; per Islam teachings; one may practice ritual worship of praying in any clean place as at home, office, stadium, open air areas, ... etc; and not necessarily to be in the mosque (or Masjid); although it is preferred to be in the mosque or the masjid..

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Q: Where is a place to worship in the religion of Islamism?
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