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As a world seafarer, I am very familiar with people who have Gonorrhea which is a a venereal disease and you get it from having sex with somebody who is infected, it being one of the commonest sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) all over the world. Members of ships crews often get it after having sex ashore with prostitutes.

Apart from seafarers, anybody who has many different sexual partners is also extremely likely to get it, as it is caused by the bacterium Neisseria Gonorrhea transmitted into you when having sex with an infected person. Once that is inside you it cause you a range of medical problems whether you are male or female.

In males symptoms usually include a urethral discharge as well as pain when peeing. Women in about 60% of cases get no real symptoms of having gonorrhea, but some women get a vaginal discharge or a burning feeling when peeing. But an infected woman having a baby can cause it to have a severe inflammation affecting one of both of the child's eyes.

Some gay men get infected by anal sex and that usually causes inflammation of his rectum or anus so causing him pain there. Oral sex with an infected person can result in Gonococcal Pharyngitis that means infection of his throat between his tonsils and larynx and usually but not always that leads to a very sore throat.

But in telling you, in answer to your question where gonnorrhea can be located I need to add untreated gonnorrhea can spread to other parts of your body. With men

it can spread to inflammation of his prostate or else inflammation of his epididimides and testes which can make him infertile and also create the risk of him getting prostate cancer.

In ladies untreated gonorrhea can affect her fallopian tubes causing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and that damage can increases risk of her getting an ectopic pregnancy occurring in a fallopian tube and that may mean infertility. As well as the above problems Genoccal Bacteria can occasionally spread through the bloodstream to cause Genococcal Arthritis with very nasty pain and swelling of your joints around your body, that can happen to both men and women , and multiplication of bacteria in your bloodstream can additionally result in septicemia causing generalized symptoms including fever and malaise, and this can affect your brain or heart and lead to death.

So if you have reason to believe you may have picked up gonorrhea it is very important to tell anybody you have had sex with and both of you seek urgent treatment from a doctor or STD clinic. You need to be treated with an anti-biotic usually a penicillen drug. Being so treated with an anti-biotic is effective in stopping your infection as I have observed on numerous occasions with infected sailors but it will not protect against re-infection.

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