

Where is haemoglobin produced?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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11y ago

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Haemoglobin (HB) is synthesised by the erythroid cells of the red bone marrow. HB is first seen at the state of internediate normoblast. Four molecules of prophobinlinogen combine and after some further changes protoprophynin is formed. Protoprophynin now incorporates with iron atoms to become haem. 4 heam molecules combine with one globin molecule to form one molecule of haemoglobin.

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11y ago

Haemoglobin is produced in the your bone marrow and once produced it is found in your nervous system and operates there, to help aid the network of a billion nerves to work more efficiently. It is bright yellow in color mixed with a soft shade of lilac and adeep dark brown, sometimes when you are under complete stress it transforms its color to a pure white. It is a very weird substance but it helps us alot. When we are a baby the amount of haemoglobin is very very very veerry high and really thin people have the most haemoglobin.. haemoglobin is also a disease and can kill if not treated immediately.

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A subunit of haemoglobin is the Heme Group.

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haemoglobin is important because it can carry oxygen.

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Haemoglobin contains iron.

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