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They're absorbed so that you can actually gain some nutritional value from food you eat.

--Where are they absorbed? Nutrients are absorbed throughout the entire small intestine, with most of it happening in the duodenum and decreasing as you move further towards ileum. The entire small intestine functions to absorb nutrients from food, whereas the large intestine is more for resorption of salts and water and to remove wastes.

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13y ago

Digestion begins in the stomach when proteins are hydrolytically cleaved by pepsin. As chyme moves from the stomach to the duodenum (First part of small intestine) digestion continues via enzymes released from the pancreas into the duodenum through the pancreatic duct. These enzymes, generically proteinases and carbohydrases, will hydrolyze (break down) proteins and carbohydrates, respectively, to amino acids and monosaccharides. Lipids (fats) are broken down by bile and pancreatic lipases (enzyme). These molecules are then absorbed by cells of the small intestine and travel to nearby capillaries where they enter the bloodstream.

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10y ago

The Small intestine absorbs the glucose, fat, starch, and protein before passing it on to the large intestine.

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mostly in the duodenum.

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Q: What nutrients are absorbed in the small intestines?
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Where does nutrients enters the blood?

Nutrients are absorbed by the blood vessel in the small intestines. Special cells in the small intestines are facilitate this movement.

What organ where nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream?

Nutrients are absorbed throughout the digestive process. Specific nutrients are absorbed in the stomach and large intestines, but the majority of nutrients are absorbed in the small intestines.

In which part of the human digestive system are nutrients absorbed?

Small intestines.

When the chyme passes too quickly through the small intestines nutrients are what?

not absorbed

Where are nutrients mostly absorbed?

In the small intestines. Only a very few substances are absorbed in the stomach, alcohol is one such "nutrient".

Upon leaving the stomach food normally moves to where?

It moves to the small intestines where nutrients are absorbed.

What blood vessels pick up nutrients in the small intestine?

The blood vessel called the mesentery is usually rich in nutrients that is absorbed from the small intestines.

Where do the nutrients from food get absorbed into the blood stream?

nutrients are absorbed in the digestive system

What is digested the small intestines?

Different types of nutrients are absorbed through small finger like structures called Villi.

What part of the digestion system are nutrient absorbed?

Nutrients are absorbed in the intestines.

Where are the majority of the nutrients absorbed?

The body absorbs the food nutrients through the digestive tracts. The walls of the small intestine take it in then will travel on the body via the bloodstream.

What a long folded tube inside the body attached to the stomach where nutrients in the food are absorbed?

Small intestine is where 90% of nutrients are absorbed.