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Jews were forbidden by Judaic law to eat anything from the pig. In Acts the gospel of God's forgiving grace, through the death and resurrection of Jesus for sin, was extended to the gentiles (Non-jews) In Acts 10 Peter had a vision of a sheet being lowed from Heaven with animals previously forbidden to Jews to eat. A voice from Heaven told Peter to kill an animal and eat. Peter refused as they were 'unclean' (forbidden to Jews) The voice told him that what God had called clean, man must not call it unclean. Peter came to realize that under the New Covenant it was not sinful to eat non kosher food. Although pork is not mentioned per se, it would be implied. Later Peter shared the gospel with a gentile (Cornelius) who received Christ as saviour and was baptized, showing that God's love and grace extended to the gentiles.

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Q: Where is it stated in the new testiment that it is okay to eat pork?
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What is it called when you dont eat pork?

Religious!! The Jews and the Muslims do not eat pork. Not only was it stated in the Bible that we should not eat pork, but doctors are beginning to see just how dangerous it can be to eat. Worms can grow in your brain, arteries can be blocked, and you can even get illnesses from it.

Is pork okay in freezer for two years with no freezer burn or discoloration?

no, the pork starts to grow mold and alegie, if you do eat it it will cause savear helth problems

Is it okay to eat cooked pork chops if they taste a bit sour?

no. it could kill u. its not probable though.

Are pets allowed to eat pork?

it all depends on the animals but cats and dogs are okay with it i feed it to my dogs all the time

Does a Hindu eat pork?

Yes, they eat pork but they don't eat beef.

Who or where it stated that in Islam one can eat pork if in a situation where no other source of food available?

It is mentioned in the Quran 2:173 that one can eat food otherwise not allowed, in extreme circumstances.

Does meaghan jette martin eat pork?

yes she eat pork

When can you eat pork?

Muslims don't eat pork

Why do Jehovah's Witnesses not eat pork?

Jehovah's Witnesses can eat pork if they wish, as long as it is properly bled. Jews and Muslims do not eat pork.

How many Americans do not eat pork?

No American's eat pork , only the Canadians .

If you don't eat pork what are you?

That depends on why you don't eat pork. If it is for religious reasons, you might be a Jew or a Muslim. If you don't eat pork because you don't eat meat, you are a vegetarian.

What do Muslims eat if they don't eat pork?

they can eat anything but nothing with pork. and they cant eat anything that eats meat.