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Q: Where is most of the energy located in the pyramid?
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Where are plants humans and cows located on the energy pyramid?

The plants are located at the very bottom of the energy pyramid.

In an energy pyramidthe most energy is available at which level of the pyramid?

in an energy pyramid , the most energy is available at which level of the pyramid

In a energy pyramid the most energy is found at?

Ina an energy pyramid, the most energy is found at the bottom or base of the pyramid.

What level of the energy pyramid contains the most energy?

The bottom of the pyramid contains the most energy.

Are scavengers and decomposers part of the energy pyramid?

Definitely, yes. These two (The decomposers and the scavengers), are part of the energy pyramid. The decomposers is located at the bottom of the energy pyramid. Also the scavengers is located at the bottom of the energy pyramid.

Where is the most energy in the pyramid?

The producers are found at the bottom. They contain the most amount of energy and the energy is transferred to other organisms in the food pyramid. [Consumers].

Who has most energy at the pyramid level?

Producers have the most energy at the pyramid level because they manufacture food from inorganic raw materials.

Where is most of the energy in an energy pyramid?

Fat + carbohydrates

Which part on the energy pyramid has the highest amount of energy?

At the bottom. The amount of energy being passed on decreases as the pyramid goes up. For example, if the pyramid had 5 flowers on the bottom, 3 rabbits in the middle, and a hawk on top, the most energy would be with the flowers, and least passed on to the hawk.

Which level of an energy pyramid has the most available energy?

The producer level has the most available energy.

What has the most energy in the energy pyramid?

Tertiary Consumers and Secondary carnivores

Which level has the most energy in the pyramid?

Primary Producers.