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Pure sodium is so reactive with water that it doesn't exist on earth as a free element. When sodium is made to be free of impurities, it is stored in kerosene to keep it from reacting with the water vapor in the air. It is found instead in compounds (salt) with different metals in rock layers.

Sodium, the metal, may be purchased through a chemistry supply shop. Keep in mind that in this post 9/11 world, you may be required to have a special permit to purchase it, or be able to demonstrate an educational need for it.

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Sodium is commonly found in table salt (sodium chloride) and in various other mineral compounds. It is obtained through the mining and processing of salt deposits, as well as through the electrolysis of sodium chloride.

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Q: Where is sodium found and how is it obtained?
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How can sodium be obtained from sodium cholride?

Sodium can be obtained from sodium chloride by making a solution of it and then elctrolysing it. The pure sodium metal can be obtained on electrolysis.

Where is sodium metal generally found?

It is not found as a pure metal on Earth. It can be obtained from its chloride salt (Table salt).

Where sodium is obtained?

Sodium is primarily obtained from salt deposits such as halite (rock salt) or from brine sources such as salt lakes or underground salt deposits. It can also be found in foods like table salt or sodium-rich vegetables.

How is sodium obtained for commercial use?

It is obtained by electrolysis of molten sodium chloride in Downs cell.

How can sodium be reduced from sodium chloride?

Sodium can be obtained from sodium chloride by the electrolysis of molten NaCl.

What can sodium chloride be obtained from?

oh my freaking god, what do you need sodium chloride for? it's TABLE SALT!!

What happens when you mix sodium hydroxide with phosphoric acid?

Sodium phosphate is obtained.

What is the main product in the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride?

Sodium and chlorine are obtained.

What is salt divided?

In the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride sodium and chlorine are obtained.

What is sodium acetate made?

Sodium acetate is typically produced by the reaction of acetic acid with sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate. This reaction forms sodium acetate and water. The compound can also be obtained from the reaction of sodium hydroxide with acetic anhydride.

How do you get salt from the sea?

Evaporating the water from sea waters crystallized sodium chloride is obtained.

Electrolytes of molten sodium chloride gives this product at cathode?

Molten sodium chloride contains sodium and chloride ions. At the cathode, sodium ions gain electrons and are reduced to form sodium metal.