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It depends on the agency's or department's unifiorm regulations. Some wear a patch on their shoulder - some on the chest - still others wear the flag as a pin on their uniform or attached to their nametag - some others do not wear it at all. .

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Q: Where is the American Flag being worn on uniforms?
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Are uniforms worn in Ireland schools?

Yes, uniforms are worn in many Irish schools.

Can the American flag be worn as clothes?

Yes, just not a real one.

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Epaulets are worn on the shoulders of military uniforms as a symbol of rank and occasionally on marching band uniforms as decoration.

Why is the American flag patch wore backwards?

The flag is worn with the appearance of being backwards on soldiers RIGHT arm to symbolize early American armies which had a flag carrier holding our flag high (which looks backwards from one side while correct from the other). The backwardsflag signifies this and gives the perception that every soldier is carrying a flag. Left arm patches are correctly laid. It is worn backwards to make it look like a soldier is marching into the wind carrying a flag and the wind is blowing into the flag. I hope this is more understanding. This is the same reason for astronauts.

What is unusual about the flag patch on many us army uniforms?

Many people falsely believe the flag is worn backwards. When a soldier deploys to a combat zone, they wear the flag on the right sleeve. The stars always point towards the battle - i.e., the front.

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Why uniforms should not be worn?

Uniforms should not be worn so you can express yourself in your own way and people can get to know you without talking to you.

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Army Uniforms

What is on the American flag pin worn by Mitt Romney?

It appears to be a gold elephant facing to the right, naturally.