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The Buccal nerve is a long-running nerve in the face. It is between the second and third molars and basically runs down the cheek. It transmits feelings from the skin of the cheek and also the mouth.

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Q: Where is the Buccal nerve located?
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What kind of nerve is the trigeminal nerve?

Cranial Nerve 5 (trigeminal), division V3 contains a buccal nerve, a lingual nerve and an inferior alveolar nerve.

What is a buccal ganglia?

These words had to be defined before the question could be answered. So, defining the two terms: "Buccal" means "mouth" and "ganglia" is the plural of "ganglion" which is "a group of nerve cells" that is sort of a "sub" brain. So... the buccal ganglia are a two (one on each side) ganglia located under the back of a snail's mouth. They control the eating movements of the creature.

What is the Site for greater palatine nerve block?

The greater palatine nerve block can be performed intraorally. The needle is inserted either through the palatal mucosa midway between the second and third molar or through the buccal mucosa posterior to the maxillary second molar. The injection site is usually located near the greater palatine foramen.

Where is a nerve located in a cell?

In a nerve cell, the nucleus is located in the cell body.

The opening of the is located in the buccal mucosa just opposite the maxillary second molar?

answer is C. stensen's duct

Where is nucleus located in a nerve cell?

In a nerve cell, the nucleus is located in the cell body.

What does the term buccal refer to?

Yes and no! The mouth is also called the buccal cavity named after the buccal muscles which are in the cheeks. Nobody I know calls it the buccal but many call it the buccal cavity.The portion of the oral cavity bounded by the lips, cheeks, and gums. Also called vestibule of mouth.

What is a buccal mass?

The buccal mass on a squid contains the beak used for eating.

Where is cranial nerve iii located?

Occulomotor nerve (CN III) is located between the midbrain and pons.

Where is the trigeminal nerve located?

The Trigeminal Nerve is located in a structure in the brain stem called the pons.

Where are buccal medications administered?

Buccal is pertaining to the cheek, so buccal medication is dissolved like a lozenge in the cheek.

Which cranial nerve innervates all muscles of mastication?

tongue, buccal and and those controlling mandible....muscles of the lower face. mastication = the process of chewing