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Being a dasyurid, or carnivorous marsupial, the Tasmanian Devil is at the top of the food chain.

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Q: Where is the Tasmanian devil in the food chain?
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Where is the Tasmanian devil on the food chain?

The Tasmanian devil is a carnivorous marsupial. It is at the top of the food chain.

When do the Tasmanian devil's enemies strike?

The Tasmanian devil is at the top of the food chain, so it does not have enemies which "strike".

Why do the Thycaline and Tasmanian Tiger attack the Tasmanian Devil?

they didn't both were at the top of the food chain

Are there legends about the Tasmanian devil?

No.. the Tasmanian devil is simply just an animal in the regular food chain... Humans... however at the top of the food chain... which means humans should not be scared of tasmainian devils

Why does the Tasmanian tiger hate the Tasmanian devil?

The Thylacine (Tasmanian tiger) did not hate the Tasmanian devil. Tasmanian Devil and the Thylacine both occupied the top of the food chain, competing for live prey, until the Thylacine became extinct in 1936.

What hunts the Tasmanian devil?

The Tasmanian devil is at the top of the food chain, and nothing hunts the adult creatures. Tasmanian devil joeys may be hunted by introduced creatures such as foxes and domestic dogs. Birds of prey such as falcons and goshawks may also take young devils.

Why is the Tasmanian devil a producer?

The Tasmanian devil is not a producer. It does not produce its own food. It is a consumer.

Is the Tasmanian devil a producer?

The Tasmanian devil is not a producer. It does not produce its own food. It is a consumer.

How does the Tasmanian devil store food?

The Tasmanian devil does not store food. The thickness of its tail is an indication of the animal's health. It does store fat in its tail so that if food is scarce, the Tasmanian devil can draw on these fat reserves.

What animals prey on a Tasmanian devil?

Tasmanian devils, being carnivorous marsupials (dasyurids) are at the top of the food chain, so in their native habitat they have no natural predators.Up until around 600 years ago, there were Tasmanian devils on mainland Australia. Whilst both Tasmanian devils and dingoes are at the top of the food chain, the bigger, stronger dingo dominated in the competition for food, resulting in the extinction of the Tasmanian devil from the mainland. It is also quite conceivable that the indigenous people ate them.

What are some predators of the Tasmanian devil?

Prey of the Tasmanian Devil includes small mammals up to the size of wallabies and wombats, as well as snakes, birds and fish. Tasmanian devils tend to feed frequently on carrion, or the bodies of dead animals.

What Feeds On Tasmanian Devil?

Because the Tasmanian devil is at the top of the food chain, there are no predators of adult devils. Young joeys can be taken by birds of prey such as the wedge-tailed eagle, and introduced species such as foxes and feral cats.