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On a table while it is being read during a service. Inside a closed box or closet at the front (east side) of the synagogue ... called the 'ark' or 'aron' (Heb) ... at other times.
They are stored in a closet, the Aron Kodesh (Holy Ark), at the back of the bima (altar).

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Q: Where is the Torah placed when being read?
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Do Jews read their holy book from a lectern?

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Where is the Torah read?

The Torah is read in synagogues across the world

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The platform where the Torah is read from is referred to as the "Bimah."

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It is placed on a wooden stand. It is called Rahl. The Qur'an can be read while holding it in hand.

What do Judaism's read?

they read the Torah

What is the Torah read from?

A Torah scroll, a Tanakh, a book with the Torah in it...! There are countless possibilities!

How many times does the Torah open?

It varies, depending on which service is being held. In a Friday night service, the holy ark is opened once, but the Torah is not removed or read.