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The anterior superior iliac spine provides attachments for ligaments and muscles.

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Q: Where is the anterior superior iliac spine located?
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When you put your hands on your hips you are touching the of a coxal bone?

The iliac crest

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anterior superior iliac spine

What is the anatomical position of the hip bone?

It is such that the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic symphysis lie in the same coronal plane!!!

What is the surface anatomy of the appendix?

The appendix is located in the right iliac fossa of the abdomen. Its base lies deep to a point located one-third of the way along the spinoumbilical line, proximal to the anterior superior iliac spine. This point is known as McBurney’s point.

Which surface features along the ilium marks attachment sites for large hip muscles?

You need to be specific about which hip muscles youre talking about, as they originate from different features of the ilium. Sartorius originates on anterior superior iliac spine, while rectus femoris originates on anterior inferior iliac spine. Hope that helps.

What pulse is found on the inner thigh?

Femoral pulse: located in the inner thigh, at the mid-inguinal point, halfway between the pubic symphysis and anterior superior iliac spine (femoral artery). (from Wikipedia)

What is the bony landmark recognized by a distinct dimple in the skin?

posterior superior iliac spineposterior superior iliac spine.

What are the upper pelvic bones called?

Ilium - you have one either side of your midline. The continue from the sacrum at the back to the pubis at the front. The uppermost part is called the iliac crest. You can normally feel the Anterior Superior Iliac spine as your front "hip bone" and the Posterior Superior Iliac spine as your rear "hip bone" - they are different parts of the same continuous bone.

What muscle originates from the anterior inferior iliac spine of the hip and inserts onto the proximal end of the tibia?

rectus femoris

What part of the body is the appendix located?

Lower, right abdomen, but a small percent of people have it on their left side. It is located approximately where you finger would be if you inserted your hand in the front pocket of your blue jeans.

Is your spine superior to your sternum?

superior, in anatomical terms means closer to the top of the body, and inferior means closer to the bottom of the body. eg, your neck is superior to your pelvis. anterior means towards the front of the body, posterior towards the back. eg, your sternum is anterior of your scapular. so, 'is your spine superior to your sternum' is not correct. this actually mixes the terminology of superior/inferior and anterior/posterior. your spine cannot be 'higher' than your sternum, it can however be posterior to your sternum. Hope this helps!

What muscle originates at the anterior superior iliac spine and crosses both hip and knee joints?

The muscle that originate from ASIS is sartorius muscle. Inguinal ligament also originate here. By Binaisa Deus medical student KIU Uganda