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You can find many different symptoms online about autism, if you visit the different special ed schools and websites. There are a couple of colleges that teaches on this and it is Harold Washington College and Chicago State University.

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Q: Where is the best place to find research online about symptoms of autism?
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What are some good charities that work to help fund the needs of families who have children diagnosed with Autism?

Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism is a good place to donate to. They are involved in the support, research, and education of autistic children. Autism Society of America Foundation is another one as well as the National Alliance for Autism Research.

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You can find out about teaching autism if you visit any college that has special education classes. Many of the Universities and Colleges has classes on special ed.

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The best place where one can get information on Breast Cancer symptoms and latest achievements for its treatments is online. There is a famous cancer treatment centre that has a wonderful site, its called Cancer Treatment Centres of America. There is a ton of information there.

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You can research paralegal studies online. You can also research paralegal studies at your local library, or at a college/ university. One place that may or may not offer it is Bryant & Straton.

What is the most popular autism test?

One of the most common autism tests used to diagnose people with autism is the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ). At the Cambridge Autism Research Institute in England, Simon Baron-Cohen and his colleagues created the AQ, a self-report questionnaire. The 50-item AQ examines many facets of social and communication skills, as well as behavioral tendencies and interests. Answers range from "certainly agree" to "absolutely disagree" when people are asked to rate how strongly they agree or disagree with each statement. The AQ has been verified, and it can detect autistic people with high sensitivity and specificity. It is frequently used in clinical and research settings to help with autism diagnosis and to screen people who could be at risk for the condition. It's crucial to remember that while the AQ can be a helpful tool in identifying people who could have autism, it cannot take the place of a thorough evaluation by a licensed healthcare provider.

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No but he has a foundation for children with disabilities such as autism. Autistic kids have a special place in his heart that came from when he worked with an autistic child in NC.

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It depends what your looking for. Games? Stuff for your class? Research sites?

What online resources can you suggest to learn about symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks? is a great place. It has helped me a lot with my anxiety. does have self surveys also to help determine if your symptoms are anxiety or not.

Causes of Autism in Children?

Autism is a disorder that impacts the lives of hundreds of families in the United States. Children with autism do not develop common social skills that other children develop. The cause and treatment of autism are still a mystery to the modern medical community. Common Cause Still Unknown There has been much debate over the possible cause of autism. The real reason that children develop the disorder is still unknown. Researchers have been working to come up with a common thread between all of the children who have developed the disorder, but so far nothing has become readily apparent. Children with autism come from several different social backgrounds and lifestyles. There has been no link between food, medication, or exposure to toxic substances that can explain the formation of autism in children who have the symptoms. The parents of autistic children are working to keep researchers focused on finding a cause so that better treatment options can be created. Immunizations Proven to be Safe One of the most recent theories put forth by some doctors was that some of the common immunizations that children are required to get were causing autism to develop in some children. Since many of the symptoms of autism do not become readily apparent until the child is old enough to have had a few rounds of immunizations, this theory seemed to make sense to many parents. Unfortunately, further research has shown that autism is not linked to any of the current immunizations that are given to children on a regular basis. Some doctors and parents continue to argue that immunizations are to blame and have continued to do more research into the matter. Research Continues Autism has become a very popular topic among medical researchers in the past decade. Since there have been no substantial strides made toward discovering a cause or a cure, researchers are very anxious to break through this medical mystery. Parent groups have begun to place more pressure on researchers to find out more about this debilitating condition so that their children can live fuller lives. With this continued pressure and the money raised by parents toward research, it is possible there may be some new information in the next few years.

Looking for good online resources to identify depression symptoms and their respective cures?

There are lots of online resources for coping with depression. is a good place to start. There are many quality websites out there where other people who suffer with depression explain their symptoms and how they've managed to cope.