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The best thing to do is to leave your mobile home for more suitable shelter. If possible, go to a nearby sturdy building or storm shelter. It is best to have a place planned out ahead of time.

In an emergency, even a concrete culvert in the open is safer than remaining in a mobile home. They will almost certainly be pulverized if caught up in the tornado.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) warns people in mobile homes to leave them immediately if there is a threat of a tornado. Mobile home parks may be eligible for federal assistance in building communal storm shelters.

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Q: Where is the best place to go during a tornado if one lives in a mobile home?
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Are mobile homes safe place to stay during a tornado?

Mobile homes are very easy to be destroyed in severe weather like tornado. Among all people killed in tornado between 2000 to 2008, nearly half were killed in mobile homes. They can be easily destroyed by a comparitively weak tornado.

Where is the Safest place during a tornado?

The safest place during a tornado is in a basement or similar underground shelter.

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The safest place to be in your house during a tornado is in the basement.

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The safest place to be in your house during a tornado is in the basement.

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The safest place to be during a tornado is in a basement or cellar.

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a horse needs a place to escape any thing that might hurt them during a tornado noo they can go in the basement or something with u if they have a place to escape then the tornado will kill them

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The best place to be during a tornado is in a basement or cellar.

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Is a car a safe place during a tornado?

It is not.Go to your basement.

Do mobile homes attract tornadoes?

No, they do not. Mobile homes are often shown after a tornado because they are more easily damaged than a house on a concrete foundation. Mobiles are usually only held in place by steel cables, which are no match for a tornado.