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Q: Where is the best school in south Africa to qualify being a lawyer?
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if you are a permenaant resident for 18 years and have being detained foe aggravated assult do you qualify for immigration bond or for the first court?

You do qualify for immigration bond, it is important that you contact an lawyer.

Does being a lawyer requires a high school diploma?

Yes they need a degree on law school

where is a good school for being a lawyer?

Stanford has a great law school program you will learn a ton there!

What skills are necessary for lawyers?

no skills are necessary but if your wanting to be lawyer you should get in to law school and see how being a lawyer is suited for you

What is similar to being a lawyer?

a judge, because you have to go to law school for both

Who inspired you to be a lawyer?

My school teachers, from the 4th grade on up inspired me to be a lawyer. Also my parents inspired me to be a lawyer. If you take a Career Discovery class you will learn all about being a lawyer and many other careers.

Tell you what you can do or are doing now to help obtain being a family lawyer?

u can go the hell to school

Where can a lawyer get trained at?

College followed by law school is the general route to being a lawyer. And don't forget that you must pass the bar after all this educational activity, too.

Did Malcolm X's goal to be a lawyer successful?

No. The dream was crushed by his favorite teacher when the teacher said that being a lawyer was no realistic goal for a nig@$#. So Malcolm dropped out of school.

Did malcolm x graduate high school?

Malcolm X did not attend high school. His dreams of being a lawyer were crushed by a teacher in junior high. He was told that wanting to be a lawyer was not a realiatic goal for a "nig.....". Malcolm dropped out of school at the junior high level.

Is the summers world cup being held in Egypt?

No. It will be held in South Africa. Egypt has failed to qualify after losing a play-off match against Algeria.

If you are 31 years old what are the chances of being a lawyer?

Age is not the problem. One of my best students in law school was a military retiree in his 40s. He went on to become a very good lawyer.