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Q: Where is the cartilage found in the synovial joint and what kind of cartilage is it composed of?
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Where is cartilage found in synovial joint?

on the epiphyses

Where cartilage is found at the elbow joint.why is the cartilage there?

Cartilage is found at the elbow joint so that the synovial fluid doesn't touches the ulna directly.

What type of cartilage is found within a synovial joint?


Where is cartilage found in a synovial joint?

Articular cartilage is cartilage which covers the surface of the bone in synovial joints. Its function is to reduce friction between the bones. It is a type of cartilage called hyaline cartilage.

What type of joint contains a joint cavity articular cartilage synovial membrane and ligaments?

synovial joints have synovial cavities

What does a synovial joint have between the bones?

hyaline cartilage

What type of cartilage covers the opposing bony surfaces in a synovial joint?

hyaline cartilage

Name the material which covers the ends of bone in a synovial joint?


What is the main purpose of synovial fluid is?

Synovial fluid is the fluid found within synovial joints. It acts as a cushion to the joint. The synovial membrane secretes this fluid as a response to trauma, as it adds extra cushioning. in addition to this, the fluid reduces friction between the articular cartilage which coats the end of bones within a joint.

What is the outermost part of a synovial joint?

A typical synovial joint has a joint capsule, a synovial membrane, synovial fluid, a joint cavity, and articular cartilage. A joint capsule surrounds the joint, supporting and stabilizing it. The synovial membrane is within the joint capsule. This membrane closely surrounds the joint and forms a joint cavity. The synovial membrane secretes synovial fluid that lubricates the articular surfaces of the joint. In some joints, the synovial membrane extends outside the joint capsule to form a bursa. The bursa cushions the joint. Bursae are in the knee, elbow, shoulder, and hip. Articular cartilage covers the articular surfaces of synovial joints to prevent excess wear and tear as they move against each other.

What type of joint is found in the ribs?

Costochondral joint ( Costo- = Rib, Chondro- = Cartilage) - these joints 'articulate' the ribs with the costal cartilage of the thoracic wall. However, there is no movement between the two.The Structural Classification for this joint is; Cartilaginous (Synchodrosis).The Functional Classification for this joint is; Synarthrosis.

Where is cartilage found on a long bone?

It is found at either end of the long bones where it provides a shockabsorbance in the synovial joint capsule.