

Where is the center of low air pressure?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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it is located where the air particles are farthest apart.

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Q: Where is the center of low air pressure?
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The air pressure inside a tornado is very low.

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Air rises in a low pressure area and sinks in a high pressure area.

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Snow storms. It is most noticeable in/at the center of a Low Pressure System.

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The Low Pressure Air Mass is the active feature of Our Atmosphere, air rises at it's center.The High Pressure Air Mass exists where-ever the Low does not: Air rising at the center of Lows descends at the centers of High Pressure Systems.The Low Pressure Air Mass acts as a Heat Pump that takes Heat North and Cold South.

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Air is being pulled upward int a rotating vortex with a low pressure center. The low pressure produces a temperature drop, causing moisture in the air to condense.