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Well it IS in Walmart is for I know. Truly speaking, I have never been to a Walmart store but with you question, it sounds like its a pretty big store. I think there must be some toy section or something there. Or just go ask a helper.

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Q: Where is the club penguin membership card located in walmart?
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Which store has a club penguin membership card?


How do you be a member at the club penguin?

You can go to places like Walmart and go buy a membership card.

How much money does the club penguin membership card cost at walmart?

1 month is $7.95.

Do they have club penguin membership card at walmart?

Yes, Your lucky they they do. Here is more places in case they are sold out:

How do you get a code for Club pENUGUIN?

You can go to the store like walmart and buy a club penguin membership card...For a 1month membership they are like 6 dollars

Where to get a membership card for Club Penguin?

you can get the membership card at walmart gamestop kmart and thats all i really know

Where can you get a membership card for club penguin?

you cam find them at walmart, target, ect................ IMPROVED BY SUPER0095: Asda Tesco Sainsburys

Can YOU get a membership card at Walmart?


What are club penguin membership cards?

When you buy membership you can buy a gift card. in a store near you like Walmart, Target, Rite Aid, ect. or you can buy online.

How do you become a member on club penguin with no membership card?

You can't get a membership without a membership card.

How do you use membership cards?

Open up Club Penguin and click on the membership but. Then Click Card activation and then chose if you have got a certificate card or a membership card and then type in your Penguin name and password and then the membership code and your penguin should have membership

How do you use your club penguin membership card?

their will be a code on your membership card entter that