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Q: Where is the food prepared in potato and ginger?
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Where do ginger and potatoes sore there food?

In rhizomes - i.e the 'root ginger' part of the ginger plant, and the 'potato' part of the potato plant. Howeve the potato is a tuber, not a rhizome.

What plants store food in stem?


Who is the odd man out among these ginger potato sweet potato onion?

sweet potato

Why potato ginger turmeric yam onion are thick fleshy and bulging?

Due to storage of food material in the rhizomes of Potato, genger, turmeri and yam and in the scales of onion.

Examples of underground stems?

Potato , Colocasia ,Canna , ginger , turmeric etc.

Why are potato onion and ginger considered roots?

Potato is classed as a root crop, Ginger is a semi-root, and onion is a bulb. Ginger is open to interpretation, so I would say it is a fibrous root, and enjoy my home-brew ginger beer!

Why sweet potato is the odd man out among these ginger potato sweet potato onion?

Omg It Was Just IN MY Mind

Which homeopathic medicine is prepared from ginger?

Zingiber Officinale

Does new plants grow from the roots of sweet potato?

Yes,new plants grow from the roots of potato, sweet potato, ginger and turmeric.

Is potato fatty food?

Potatoes themselves are not considered a fatty food as they are low in fat content. However, the way potatoes are prepared, such as deep frying to make french fries or potato chips, can make them higher in fat and calories. It's important to consider how potatoes are cooked and what ingredients are added to determine their overall fat content.

What are all the Irish drinks?

potato vodka pot of goldschlager ginger ale

What are the ingredients in Moroccan style sweet potato salad with cumin and ginger?

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